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Forestry then I ran my singing and I tried to run to the beach and then I screamed like a walk by the lake if I want noise quiet
there are angels embroidery cobweb white stripes on the walls of the palace
why not just shake the bell sound or I'll have
to flee into the woods and then to the beach
there are angels embroidery cobweb white stripes on the walls of the palace
why not just shake the bell sound or I'll have
to flee into the woods and then to the beach
| Diposting oleh
when all have ended I can not forget the memories when something new arrives in my life
I tried to shut down the memories but every time I try the more difficult for individuals feel but I have to keep moving forward because of danger with it all will be turned into a story of my life
I tried to shut down the memories but every time I try the more difficult for individuals feel but I have to keep moving forward because of danger with it all will be turned into a story of my life
| Diposting oleh
often we all miss a chance for something that you think is important but what you realize that you miss it is also important for you even also important
to other people, in my opinion not in search for something that is easy but you should find that difficult because with it you have created an opportunity that was missed
to other people, in my opinion not in search for something that is easy but you should find that difficult because with it you have created an opportunity that was missed
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This song tells the imperfections in ourselves I salute the musicians of the world Simple Plan suppose all humans can understand this song I'm sure the world will rejoice
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true love of every person who has the loyalty
a man says the word true love to a partner he sebenarya a man does not understand the meaning of true love
based real mutual trust and support each other in any circumstances and may god always gives temptation that must be passed by the couple is so a man does not know the difference between love and true love
true love can not be disclosed but should be done and takes sacrifice and patience
a man says the word true love to a partner he sebenarya a man does not understand the meaning of true love
based real mutual trust and support each other in any circumstances and may god always gives temptation that must be passed by the couple is so a man does not know the difference between love and true love
true love can not be disclosed but should be done and takes sacrifice and patience
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life is a story of happiness and sorrow there is always our
human beings can not choose between two options that we can only hope for the best and most beautiful, but even then not enough if not on the basis of
mutual respect for fellow human being a human so hope it was just one POLICY ATTITUDES it was just possible to make changes in life
human beings can not choose between two options that we can only hope for the best and most beautiful, but even then not enough if not on the basis of
mutual respect for fellow human being a human so hope it was just one POLICY ATTITUDES it was just possible to make changes in life
| Diposting oleh
one soul one word he could not hold all of what this is all just an illusion all the flavor that is unable to in word or in a lunge in the nuances of starting up in one word you never forget I LIKE HIM when the word is spoken in an atmosphere of what exist in the minds both of them may only word that can answer